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Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Lack of Motivation

I never thought this day would come...right now my 5 year-old is tired of making the little books. So he's brushed them aside for several weeks now. He has lacked the interest or motivation to read these books we've made together. These same books that he was so excited over not too long ago. This behavior is go through phases and lose interest fairly quickly. My job is to pull him back some how so he doesn't lose complete interest in wanting to learn how to read, and I lose him to video games and toys forever. Just as he lost interest in his mini books, he's also lost interest in race cars (for now). He's back into dinosaurs. How can I use this new interest that he has? Well we have tons of dinosaur books sitting on the shelf. Although the vocabulary is too hard for him to read himself, these books do peak his interests. I try to read at least one book during our reading time together. That way I have his attention, and I'm still able to sit with him and "teach" him how to read. Like most boys, he can recognize and name most dinosaurs in any book. Fortunately for me the pictures have labels next to them. Viola, perfect reading lesson! Matching pictures to of the early ready strategies. My point is not to teach him new dinosaur words, but for him to notice that pictures are useful tools when learning to read. I'm hoping he will have enough motivation to want to make mini books about dinosaurs pretty soon.